
Free to access frameworks

All framework suppliers are vetted and assessed on social value.

On demand tendering service

We can run your procurement processes, or provide short-term resource

Achieve best value for money for your organisation with Crescent Services

Crescent provide procurement consultancy services and purchasing frameworks. We will help you to improve procurement practices, save time and achieve best value for money.

We can support you with all your procurement needs, we offer:

  • offsite and onsite procurement support nationwide
  • on demand remote procurement and tendering services
  • free access to over 20 frameworks

Crescent are not your average procurement consultancy, we:

  • operate on a not-for-profit basis
  • are owned by a registered charity
  • we gift aid our surplus funds to the registered charity (Crescent Purchasing), who then reinvest their surplus funds to the education sector

“With Crescent as your chosen procurement partner, we can guarantee a robust and effective tendering process is delivered”

Jonathan Whittle – Head of Crescent On Demand, Crescent Services

Experts in procurement

Crescent Services has specialised in procurement since 1994.

Compliant Frameworks

Our range of national public-sector frameworks are fully compliant and contract managed by procurement professionals.

Continuous Support

Our team of procurement professionals are available to provide approved users with contract management support throughout the duration of the contract term.

We support both public and private sector organisations, contact us to arrange a free procurement 1 to 1.